A Pocket Full of Poetry

“Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and thought has found words.” – Robert Frost

Milk and Honey, written by Rupi Kaur, is an exemplary collection of poetry and prose about love, life, pain, and the beauty of femininity. The poetry collection is divided into different chapters tackling loving, losing, hurting, and healing. Each piece poetry piece is accompanied by a sketch complementing the emotions elicited from the piece itself.


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This poetry collection has shown the beauty of falling in love and the ugly in falling out of love. Moreover, it also shows the struggles of being a woman in this society which has long set the standards we are expected to meet and live by. What I love most about this wonderful collection is its attempt to encourage every woman to embrace her femininity beyond what is demanded of us by the society.

Milk and Honey, more than just a poetry collection, has been my companion at the times when I would abhor the person and the woman I have become. At the last chapter of the book is a reassurance that our wounds heal in time. After reading the whole poetry collection, I realized that we all hurt and we all will heal, although we may never be whole again, we are no longer broken pieces scattered on the floor.

Here are some of my favorite pieces from Rupi Kaur’s Milk and Honey:

The pieces which I can most relate to are those that talk about beauty and society’s standard of beauty. Personally, I think women have been pressured to be society’s idea of beautiful when in fact every woman is beautiful in her own way.

Rupi Kaur, in her poetry collection, never failed to remind women that they are beautiful.

The beauty in Rupi Kaur’s poetry is beauty, itself, and how this beauty is portrayed. Beauty is the love that we long for and the pain that’s hurting. Beauty is the healing that comes with accepting and embracing the person you are.

Milk and Honey is a beautifully written collection where there is connection in every piece. It has encapsulated all the emotions that involve the love, the pain, the loss, the ugly, the beauty, and, above all, the healing.

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